
Gaza Sky Geeks Code Academy

Applicant System

An application to facilitate code academy application process for applicants and help them to complete their applications easily and on time, also help code academy team to track , filter and create applications.

Languages : javascript, expressjs, reactjs,material-ui custom-hooks, mongodb, mongoose, hooks

Application Link link : Check it out from here

P2P Money

This is an app to help people exchange money online. without a middleman like a bank or exchange agency, we connect people through our app, this application is a good place for make profit from money exchange. we provide them with a wallet to save and exchange their money anytime. currently, we are in the beta stage, we will provide virtual money for users to test our app, and review users feedback.

Languages: Nodejs, react , javascript , MongoDB, express mongoose , antdesign , hooks

Application Link: Check it out from here
